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Your health matters, your voice matters

Download a PDF of the English survey here.

Your household was randomly selected 参加2022年拉里默县社区健康调查, and it is very important that we hear from you. 请一位成年人(18岁或以上)填写本调查-每户只填写一份调查(纸质或在线). 除非问题是关于你的家庭情况,否则请如实回答. 用清晰的标记回答问题,如打X、打勾或填空. 请将填妥的调查问卷装入所附的预付信封内,并由美国邮政寄回.S. mail by June 10, 2022.

While we will keep your responses confidential, 我们要求您不要提供个人识别信息, such as your name, when completing the survey. 如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请拨打我们的调查帮助热线: 970-224-5209 or send an email to


  1. Is there one doctors’ group, health center, 或者是你经常去的诊所?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. Is there a doctor, nurse, physician assistant, 或者你认为是你的常规医疗保健提供者的执业护士?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  3. Is there a particular dentist, dental hygienist, 或者你认为是你的常规牙科保健提供者的牙科诊所?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  4. 你最近一次做牙齿检查或洗牙是什么时候?
    1. In the past year
    2. Between 1 and 2 years ago
    3. Between 2 and 3 years ago
    4. Between 3 and 5 years ago
    5. 5 years or longer
    6. Never
  5. Please rate your access to health care whenever you need it:
    1. Poor
    2. Fair
    3. Good
    4. Very good
    5. Excellent
    6. I don’t know
  6.  In the past 12 months, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, have you done any of the following? (Mark all that apply.)
    1. Skipped going to the dentist when you needed care.
    2. Skipped going to the doctor when you needed care.
    3. 避免与老年人或其他可能感染COVID-19的高危人群接触.
  7. Since the start of the pandemic, 您是否使用远程医疗(电话或虚拟会面)从医生或其他卫生保健专业人员那里获得建议或治疗?
    1. Yes
    2. No (go to question 8)
  1. a. 你对最近的远程医疗服务满意吗?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  1. b. In the future你希望有多少医疗服务是通过远程医疗而不是当面进行的?
    1. As much as possible
    2. Some of it
    3. None, I prefer all of my care to be in person
  2.  What type(s) of health insurance do you have currently?  (Mark all that apply.) 不包括只包括一种服务的保险计划,如牙科, vision, or prescription drug plans.
    1. I do not have health insurance of any kind. (go to question 10)
    2. 通过现任或前任雇主或工会获得健康保险, 包括伴侣或父母的计划(包括COBRA或退休福利).
    3. Health insurance plan that I, my parents, partner, 或配偶直接从保险公司购买(私人或通过科罗拉多州的市场/交易所).
    4. Medicaid, also called Health First Colorado.
    5. 医疗保险(适用于65岁及以上或有某些残疾的人).
    6. Veteran’s Affairs, Military Health, TRICARE, or CHAMPUS.
    7. Student health insurance.
    8. Other (please specify)
  3. In general, would you say your health insurance is:
    1. Poor
    2. Fair
    3. Good
    4. Very good
    5. Excellent
  4. If you do not currently have health insurance, what are the reasons? (Please explain)
  5. Over the past 3 years, how many total months have you had no health insurance?
    1. None, I’ve always had insurance
    2. A total of one month without insurance
    3. A total of 2-6 months without insurance
    4. A total of 7-12 months without insurance
    5. A total of 13 months or longer without insurance
  6. How has your health insurance coverage changed because of the COVID-19 pandemic?
    1. I had no change in my coverage because of the pandemic. (go to question 13)
    2. 我在大流行之前没有保险,但后来参加了医疗保险. (go to question 13)
    3. 疫情前我有医疗保险,但后来没了.
  1. a. 如果你失去了健康保险,你是否补上了?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. 您目前是否有任何保险可以支付以下费用的至少部分费用:
    1. Prescription medicines?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    2. Dental services?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    3. Mental health services?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    4. Vision services?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    5. Hearing services?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
  3. What is your age?
  4. What is your gender? (Mark any that apply.)
    1. Woman
    2. Man
    3. Transgender
    4. (Specify)
  5. 包括你在内,你家里有多少人(大人和小孩)? (If none for certain categories below, please enter “0”.)
    1. Number of people 0 to 4 years old
    2. Number of people 5 to 17 years old
    3. Number of people 18 to 29 years old
    4. Number of people 30 to 64 years old
    5. Number of people 65 years old and older
  6. How would you describe yourself? (Mark any that apply.)
    1. White (Caucasian)
    2. Hispanic or Latino/a/x
    3. Black or African American
    4. Native American or Alaskan Native
    5. Asian or Pacific Islander
    6. Other (please specify)
  7. In the past 12 months, have you ever felt that a doctor, dentist, other health care provider, 或者他们的员工因为以下任何一种情况对你进行了不公平的评判或歧视? 如果你在过去一年中没有看过医疗服务提供者,请回答问题19.
    1. Your race or ethnicity
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. Your gender
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Your age
      1. Yes
      2. No
    4. Your sexual orientation
      1. Yes
      2. No
    5. Your weight
      1. Yes
      2. No
    6. A health condition or disability
      1. Yes
      2. No
  8. In general, would you say your health is:
    1. Poor
    2. Fair
    3. Good
    4. Very good
    5. Excellent
  9. 您是否曾检测出COVID-19呈阳性或被诊断为COVID-19?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Don’t know
  10. Are you currently experiencing any of the following?
    1. Depression, anxiety, or other mental health problems
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. Toothache or other problems with your teeth or gums
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Asthma
      1. Yes
      2. No
    4. Problems falling asleep or staying asleep
      1. Yes
      2. No
    5. A disability, handicap, 或者慢性疾病让你无法全身心投入工作, housework, or other daily activities
      1. Yes
      2. No
  11. Are you pregnant or did you give birth in the last 12 months?
    1. Yes
    2. No or does not apply to me
  12. Please tell us a little more about your current health:
    1. How many days during the past 30 days was your physical health (including physical illness or injuries) not good?
    2. During the past 30 days, how many days did poor physical health 让你不能做日常活动,比如自我照顾、工作或娱乐?
    3. How many days during the past 30 days was your mental health (包括压力、抑郁或其他情绪问题) not good?
    4. During the past 30 days, how many days did poor mental health 让你不能做日常活动,比如自我照顾、工作或娱乐?
  13. 有医生、护士、医师助理或其他健康专业人员吗 ever told you that you had any of the following conditions?
    1. High blood pressure (also called hypertension)
      1. Yes
      2. No
    2. High cholesterol
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. 慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)、肺气肿或慢性支气管炎
      1. Yes
      2. No
    4. 糖尿病(高血糖)如果你被告知你只在怀孕期间患有糖尿病,回答“没有”.”
      1. Yes
      2. No
    5. Arthritis or rheumatism
      1. Yes
      2. No
    6. Depression
      1. Yes
      2. No
    7. An anxiety disorder
      1. Yes
      2. No
    8. Eating disorder
      1. Yes
      2. No
    9. Other mental health problem or mental illness
      1. Yes
      2. No
    10. Alcohol or substance use disorder
      1. Yes
      2. No
  14. In the past 3 months你有多少时间感到焦虑、压力或沮丧? Circle one number on the scale.
    1. 1 – None of the time
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4 – About half of the time
    5. 5
    6. 6
    7. 7 – All of the time
  15. 如果你需要的话,你多久能得到一次以下的支持?
    1. Someone to confide in or talk to about your problems.
      1. None of the time
      2. A little of the time
      3. Some of the time
      4. Most of the time
      5. All of the time
    2. Someone to take you to the doctor if you needed it.
      1. None of the time
      2. A little of the time
      3. Some of the time
      4. Most of the time
      5. All of the time
    3. Someone to have a good time with.
      1. None of the time
      2. A little of the time
      3. Some of the time
      4. Most of the time
      5. All of the time
  16. In the past 6 months:
    1. How often did you have pain?
      1. Never
      2. Some days
      3. Most days
      4. Every day
    2. How often did pain limit your life or work activities?
      1. Never
      2. Some days
      3. Most days
      4. Every day
  17. In the past 12 months你是否考虑过用自杀来解决你的问题? If you or someone you know is thinking about suicide, 拨打或在线聊天全国预防自杀生命线:1-800-273-8255或
    1. Yes
    2. No
  18. 在一个典型的24小时内,你通常睡几个小时?
  19. Have you had a COVID-19 vaccine?
    1. No, I have not received any doses (go to question 31)
    2.  Yes, I had one dose of Pfizer or Moderna (mRNA)
    3. Yes, 我有最初的辉瑞或Moderna系列(对一些免疫功能低下的人2剂或3剂)
    4. Yes, I had one dose of Johnson & Johnson (Janssen)
    5. I had some other COVID vaccine or other combination
  1. a. Have you had a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine?
    1. Yes
    2. No
  2. 在最近的流感季节(2021年9月至2022年4月),您是否接种了季节性流感疫苗或鼻雾剂??
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
  3. 不算果汁,你昨天吃了多少份水果?  One serving is ½ cup chopped, cooked, canned, or frozen fruit; 1 small (tennis ball-sized) piece of fruit; or ¼ cup dried fruit. (If none, please enter “0”.)
  4. How many servings of vegetables did you eat yesterday?  One serving is ½ cup chopped, cooked, canned, or frozen vegetables; 1 cup raw, leafy vegetables; or 4 oz of 100% vegetable juice. (If none, please enter “0”.)
  5. 你昨天吃的水果和蔬菜量是:
    1. More than usual
    2. Same as usual
    3. Less than usual

Experts recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes (2 hours 30 minutes) of moderate intensity activity or at least 75 minutes (1 hour 15 minutes) of vigorous intensity activity (or some combination of both) each week.

Moderate intensity 是否有任何动作会让你呼吸困难,但你仍然可以轻松地交谈.

Vigorous intensity 有没有什么运动能让你的心跳加快,让你在需要换气之前只说几句话.

  1. 你会说大多数时候你达到或超过了这些建议吗?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure

Experts also recommend doing muscle-strengthening activities at least 2 days each week这些活动使你的肌肉比平时工作更努力.

The next few questions are about alcoholic drinks. A drink is one bottle or one 12 oz. can of beer, a 5 oz. glass of wine, or a drink with a 1.5 ounce shot of liquor.

This information helps us describe the health and well-being of the entire community; honesty improves our accuracy and understanding.  我们不会查看或报告您的个人信息.

Please answer these questions for the youngest child you were finding child care for.

  1. 你会说大多数时候你达到或超过了这个建议吗?
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. Not sure
  2. In the past 30 days,你有否使用下列任何烟草/尼古丁产品?
    1. Regular cigarettes (excluding herbal and e-cigarettes)
      1. Yes, every day
      2. Yes, some days
      3. No (go to question 37.b.)
      4. I am seriously considering quitting. (Mark if applicable)
    2. 含有尼古丁或可充入尼古丁烟汁/液体的电子烟或电子雾化产品
      1. Yes, every day
      2. Yes, some days
      3. No (go to question 37.c.)
      4. I am seriously considering quitting. (Mark if applicable)
    3. Cigars, cigarillos, or pipes, including hookah
      1. Yes, every day
      2. Yes, some days
      3. No (go to question 37.d.)
      4. I am seriously considering quitting. (Mark if applicable)
    4. 嚼/吐烟草或其他无烟产品(鼻烟,ZYN等).)
      1. Yes, every day
      2. Yes, some days
      3. No (go to question 38)
      4. I am seriously considering quitting. (Mark if applicable)
    1. 在过去12个月内,你是否吸食过大麻??
      1. Yes
      2. No (go to question 39)
    1. a. During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use cannabis?  If none, please enter “0” and go to question 39
    1. b. When you used cannabis during the past 30 days, was it usually:  (Mark all that apply.)
      1. To reduce stress/ relax
      2. To get high/for fun
      3. To improve sleep
      4. To socialize
      5. To reduce pain/inflammation
      6. To treat depression/anxiety
      7. Other (please specify)
    1. c. During the past 30 days在使用大麻的2到3小时内,你有多少天开车或其他车辆? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    1. Considering all types of alcoholic beverages, how many alcoholic drinks do you usually have in a week, including the weekend? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    2. In the past 30 days你一次最多喝多少酒? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    3. In the past 30 days, 你有几次在开车前一小时内喝了两杯或两杯以上的酒后开车? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    4. 想想你通常每周喝多少酒 before the start of the pandemic and how much you drink now, would you say you are:
      1. Drinking less
      2. Drinking about the same
      3. Drinking more
      4. NA/I don’t drink alcohol
    5. When thinking about drug use, 包括非法使用药物和以非规定的方式使用处方药;   Remember that your responses are confidential.
      1. 你是否曾经觉得你应该减少饮酒或吸毒?
        1. Yes
        2. No
      2. 有人因为批评你酗酒或吸毒而惹恼你吗?
        1. Yes
        2. No
      3. 你是否曾经为你的饮酒或吸毒感到难过或内疚?
        1. Yes
        2. No
    6. 标记你对以下陈述的同意程度:
      1. 治疗可以帮助精神疾病患者过上正常的生活.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      2. 人们通常关心和同情患有精神疾病的人.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      3. 治疗可以帮助成瘾者过上正常的生活.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      4. 人们通常会关心和同情有毒瘾的人.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree not disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
    1. How much do you weight in pounds (without shoes)?
    2. What is your height in feet and inches (without shoes)?
    3. What is your sexual orientation?
      1. Straight
      2. Lesbian or gay
      3. Queer
      4. Bisexual
      5. Something else
      6. Don’t know
    4. Which of the following best describes your current marital status?
      1. Married
      2. A member of an unmarried couple
      3. Divorced or separated
      4. Widowed
      5. Never married
    5. 你所完成的最高学历是什么?
      1. Less than 12th grade, no diploma
      2. High school diploma or GED
      3. Some college, no degree
      4. Associate’s degree (e.g., AA, AS)
      5. Bachelor’s degree (g., BA, AB, BS)
      6. Graduate or professional degree
    6. What is your current employment status? (Mark all that apply.)
      1. Employed full-time for wages
      2. Employed part-time for wages
      3. Self-employed
      4. Military
      5. Full-time homemaker
      6. Retired
      7. Full-time or part-time student
      8. Disabled or unable to work
      9. Laid off or unemployed
    1. a. If you are currently employed, where do you work?
      1. At a workplace outside of the home
      2. Work at home
      3. A mix of both at home and away
    2. What was your household’s total income before taxes in 2021? Include income from all sources such as jobs, social security, public assistance, 以及你自己和你家里的所有人的退休生活.  If you are a college student dependent on parental financial support, estimate your family's household income.
      1. $13,000 or less
      2. $13,001 to $22,000
      3. $22,001 to $25,000
      4. $25,001 to $32,000
      5. $32,001 to $34,000
      6. $34,001 to $43,000
      7. $43,001 to $52,000
      8. $52,001 to $60,000
      9. $60,001 to $70,000
      10. $70,001 to $88,000
      11. $88,001 to $125,000
      12. $125,001 or more
    1. a. How many people, including you, were supported by this income in 2021?
    2. How much has your household income changed because of the pandemic? Circle a number on the scale.
      1. 1 – Income has decreased a lot
      2. 2
      3. 3
      4. 4 – Income has not changed
      5. 5
      6. 6
      7. 7 – Income has increased a lot
    3. 你有多少紧急储蓄——可以随时在支票里取出的钱, savings or money market account?
      1. No emergency savings
      2. Less than 3 months’ expenses
      3. 3 to 5 months’ expenses
      4. 6 or more months’ expenses
      5. Don’t know
    4. In the past 12 months你是否曾被催收公司联系过,问你是否欠医药费? This could include medical bills for any family member.
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    5. How worried are you that:
      1. You won’t be able to afford the medical care you need?
        1. Very worried
        2. Somewhat worried
        3. Not too worried
        4. Not worried at all
      2. 健康保险将变得如此昂贵,以至于你负担不起?
        1. Very worried
        2. Somewhat worried
        3. Not too worried
        4. Not worried at all
    6. During the past 2 years, was there a time when you needed each of the following, but went without because you couldn’t afford it?
      1. Seeing a doctor or specialist
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
      2. Dental care
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
      3. Mental health care or counseling
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
      4. A hearing test or hearing aid
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
      5. Prescription medication
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Didn’t need
    7. How often in the past 12 months were you worried or stressed about:
      1. Having enough money to buy nutritious meals?
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
      2. Paying your rent or mortgage?
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
    8. In the past 12 months,您或您的任何家庭成员是否需要和/或使用以下列出的任何社区服务?
      1. 心理健康服务,如成人咨询或治疗
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      2. 酒精/物质成瘾咨询或治疗,包括药物治疗
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      3. Low or no cost dental/oral health services
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      4. 与工作相关或就业服务(培训或帮助找工作)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      5. Financial assistance (unemployment, Colo. Works/TANF, SSI/SSDI)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      6. 食品或膳食援助(食品银行,SNAP,食品券,WIC)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      7. 幼儿/日托经济援助(包括儿童保育计划)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      8. 住房服务(水电费、租金或抵押贷款方面的援助)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      9. Transportation assistance (vouchers, reimbursements)
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
      10. 协助了解健康保险选择和注册
        1. Not needed and not used
        2. Needed and used
        3. Needed but did not get
        4. Don’t know
    9. Do you own or rent your resident?
      1. Own
      2. Rent
      3. Other arrangement (please specify)
    10. How many times have you moved in the past 12 months? (If none, please enter “0”.)
    11. In the past 3 months你是否曾经无力支付全部或部分房租或抵押贷款?
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Does not apply
    12. 如果你必须永远离开现在的家,你会去哪里?
      1. I would move in with family or friends.
      2. I would find another home to rent or buy.
      3. I would go to a local shelter.
      4. I would not have anywhere to go.
      5. Other (please specify)
    13. In the past 12 months, have you tried to find child care in Larimer County?
      1. Yes
      2. No (go to question 64)
    1. a. 你为你的孩子找到你想要的儿童保育或早期儿童项目有多大的困难?
      1. No difficulty (go to question 64)
      2. A little or some difficulty
      3. A lot of difficulty
      4. Did not find the child care program I wanted
    1. b. 难以找到治疗的主要原因是什么?
      1. Cost
      2. Quality
      3. Lack of open slots for new children
      4. Other (please specify)
    2. Before the pandemic, were you providing unpaid care to a spouse, parent, child, other relative, partner, 或者朋友帮助他们照顾自己,因为他们患有慢性疾病或残疾? This may include helping with personal needs, household chores, medical and nursing tasks, managing finances, or arranging for outside services. This person does not need to live with you.
      1. Yes
      2. No
    3. Are you currently providing unpaid care to a spouse, parent, child, other relative, partner, 或者朋友帮助他们照顾自己,因为他们患有慢性疾病或残疾?
      1. Yes
      2. No (go to question 66)
    1. 就你作为照顾者的角色,对下列陈述的同意程度进行评分:
      1. Because of my role, I don’t have enough time for myself.
        1. Completely agree
        2. Agree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Disagree
        5. Completely disagree
      2. 我觉得我的社交生活因为我的角色而受到了影响.
        1. Completely agree
        2. Agree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Disagree
        5. Completely disagree
      3. I feel that my health has suffered because of my role.
        1. Completely agree
        2. Agree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Disagree
        5. Completely disagree
    2. 你是否完成了自己的预先健康护理指示, 如生前遗嘱或医疗持久委托书? 预先护理计划是官方文件(也称为预先指示),它描述了如果你病得太重或受伤而无法为自己说话时你对医疗的愿望.
      1. Yes
      2. No
      3. Don’t know
    3. 以下问题在你居住的城市、城镇或农村地区有多严重?
      1. 室外空气污染(车辆尾气、褐云、粉尘等.)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      2. Unclean indoor air (mold, radon, etc.)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      3. 工业污染(制造业、石油和天然气钻探等)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      4. Too many mosquitoes
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      5. Changing climate conditions
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      6. Wildfires (loss of lives, property or other resources; smoky air)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
      7. Floods (loss of lives and property; pollution from storm water)
        1. Major problem
        2. Minor problem
        3. No problem
    4. 您有多担心下列紧急情况或灾难会对您或您的家庭造成影响?
      1. Wildfire
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      2. Flood
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      3. Tornado
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      4. Extreme heat event
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      5. Hazardous material release
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      6. Terrorism
        1. Not concerned
        2. A little concerned
        3. Somewhat concerned
        4. Very concerned
      7. Other (please describe)
    5. If your household had to evacuate your home suddenly, due to a disaster or emergency, where would your household go initially? (Mark all that apply.)
      1. Stay with family or friends
      2. Hotel or motel
      3. Would not evacuate
      4. Emergency evacuation community shelter
      5. Vehicle/RV
      6. Other (please specify)
    6. 你采取了哪些步骤来为社区可能发生的紧急情况或灾难做准备?
      1. Prepared a household emergency plan.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      2. 注册了拉里默县的紧急信息和警报系统LETA.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      3. 储备食物,水和药物,至少可以维持3天,不需要任何帮助.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      4. Took photos or videos of your house and possessions.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      5. Stored copies of key documents (g.(如结婚证书、抵押贷款、保险文件)放在安全的地方.
        1. Unsure how to do
        2. Had no plans to do
        3. Plan to do
        4. Have already done
      6. Other (please describe)
    7. 你对以下关于这个城市的陈述的同意程度是多少, town, or rural area where you live?
      1. It is easy to walk in my community.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree not disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      2. It is easy to bike in my community.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      3. It is easy to ride public transit in my community (i.e., public bus).
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      4. 我有可能到达许多我需要经过的地方 walking.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
      5. 我有可能到达许多我需要经过的地方 biking.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6.  Don’t know
      6. 我有可能到达许多我需要经过的地方 public transit.
        1. Strongly disagree
        2. Disagree
        3. Neither agree nor disagree
        4. Agree
        5. Strongly agree
        6. Don’t know
    8. 在驾驶车辆时,你多久做一次以下的事情?
      1. Make or receive phone calls
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
        6. I don’t drive
      2. Read or send text messages
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
        6. I don’t drive
      3. Use hands-free phone technology
        1. Never
        2. Rarely
        3. Sometimes
        4. Usually
        5. Always
        6. I don’t drive
    9. Do you favor or oppose policies that would:
      1. 给汽水和其他含糖饮料加税?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
      2. Restrict the use of handheld cell phones while driving?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
      3. 要求学区限制或限制学生在上学期间选择不健康的食物?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
      4. 禁止在公园等户外公共场所吸烟和吸电子烟, recreation areas, playgrounds, or trails?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
      5. Prohibit the sale of flavored (including menthol, mint, or fruit) tobacco products and vape juice flavors?
        1. Strongly oppose
        2. Somewhat oppose
        3. No opinion
        4. Somewhat favor
        5. Strongly favor
    10. 你认为影响拉里默县人民健康的最重要的问题是什么? 虽然我们会对您的回复保密,但我们要求您 not 提供个人识别信息,例如您的姓名.